
Thank you to all organisers at Red Fox Friends for putting together a successful children's workshop.

Chris was one of the youngest at the workshop. First day, after three hours of hard work, he was still going strong filing at his string nocks. He said to me:

"I think I discovered my hidden talent...."

"Really, what is it?" I asked

"Bow making!"

"Priceless!!!" You know I had to take out my camera and take a picture of him right then...

And here are some more:

Long Shadows, Long Sleeves...

...on a Cool March Morning
Lunch Time
Twisting strings
Demonstrating the "step-through"
Checking tiller
Scraping and Sanding Stiff Spots
Wrapping the Handles in Leather

Results to be proud of:

Longbow I
Longbow II
Group Shot
"a well regulated militia..."

Thanks all and
Let's do this again,

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